Dean Patfield

Dean Patfield

Early Kung Fu movies created an interest in the martial arts for Dean.  Fencing saw him through his University years, but on starting work in Palmerston North, Dean discovered the local dojo led by Steve Shaw. That was in back in 1981, he has been training since and teaching for about 35 years.

Teachers like Steve Shaw (Palmerston North), Yohan Buiter (Auckland) along with seminars in NZ by Saito Sensei, Robert Nadeau Sensei and Richard Moon Sensei, have all had a significant impact on Dean over the years. 

Saito Sensei’s seminars spurred Dean’s interest in bukiwaza, which he continued throughout his training.

 In 1987, while teaching in a central Auckland dojo, Dean opened his own dojo in Greenbay. A move to Christchurch in 1991 meant training and teaching in a number of local dojos. In 2008 he opened his current dojo in Darfield.